
Chickens in the yard

Chickens in the yard
Buff Orphington

November 01, 2010

New sales flyer


October 19, 2010

Indian Wisdom

When all the trees have been cut down,
when all the animals have been hunted,
when all the waters are polluted,
when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.

October 18, 2010

The Omnivore's Dilemma

Wanna Bea Farm The more I read this book the more I feel like a hypocrite. For every 1200 pounds of beef manufactured in the United State 35 gallons of oil is consumed. Talk about a carbon foot print! For every bushel of corn grown in the Mid-West 1/3 to 1/4 gallon of oil is used or 50 gallons per acre!
I am going to clean my house out of every bit of corn or long distance food. No small task cause most every product in the American home is made from corn. From the construction glue holding the house together to the high fructose corn syrup in just about all processed foods.
I can't do much about the house, but I can and will do something about the food. I will bake my own treats and desserts, I will pack my own homemade lunches. I will spend 1 day a week making dishes I can reheat for convenience.
I will make a change. And most likely I will save money. 
What will you do, change in your life, to save this planet we call home. 

October 13, 2010

Great blog to follow if you love local foods

Polyface farm blog

Happy hens equal healthy eggs

Every day I check on the hens. I mean I spend time with them. I know, kinda strange to watch chickens but hey it makes me feel good. I like to watch them socialize, scratching and "talking", they are very chatty. I give them treats almost every day such as popcorn(they love that), seed bells, suet cakes, stale bread and crackers, or stale cereal. They also like tomatoes, radish greens, sweet corn, strawberries.......all kinds of stuff. Nope they are not spoiled at all........LOL some times spoiled chicken is a good thing.